For anyone going through a hard time

This post is for anyone like me, who was struggling with sadness over the start of the winter, or just feels like they’ve been more down than usual. When you’re stuck in the dark days it’s hard to remember that they don’t last forever. It sounds cliche. The last thing you want to hear when you’re going through a hard time is “it’ll get better one day.” But it is SO true. Don’t think that this feeling is somehow your fault, or that the sadness means you’re doing something wrong. You are just adapting and changing. That hurts, but it does get better.

I want you to remember that you are not broken. Remember that there is nothing wrong with you. You are human and this is how you are supposed to feel.

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Kate Farrell
Why it's a good thing to feel guilty during eating disorder recovery

Eating disorder recovery is not supposed to feel comfortable. You are going against all your strict eating disorder rules. Recovering means being uncomfortable, it means feeling that shame and that guilt. And it is worth it. Because the alternative is being stuck in this cycle - so feel guilty. Break those rules and take back control of your life. We are here for you.

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Kate Farrell
The truth about eating disorder recovery

The truth about eating disorder recovery. It’s not just about peanut butter and self-affirmations. Mental illnesses are serious diseases that can kill. Eating disorders are severely underfunded illnesses. You are not weak for asking to get help. Mental health is just as important as physical health.

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Kate Farrell