For anyone going through a hard time
I want you to remember that you are not broken.
Remember that there is nothing wrong with you.
You are human and this is how you are supposed to feel.
It’s not normal or sustainable to be happy all the time. Things are going to happen that are going to challenge and change you. It’s probably going to suck. And that doesn’t mean you are weak. It means that you’re not settling for stagnation in your life. It means you more actually going out and TRYING things. Which is much more beautiful and messy than just sitting in your protected bubble. And it can hurt like hell, but it can also bring the biggest joys and lead you to a place you can thrive in. I know it sounds corny and I hate cliches like that - especially when I’m in a depressed state. The last thing you want to hear is “it will all work out” and “this will make you so much stronger” because all I can think is f*ck. Really?! Do I have to go through this to get stronger?!
And unless someone has found a different way, then yes. You do. It fucking sucks but you WILL get through it. Do what you can right now, at this moment to make yourself feel better. Don’t think about the future or the past, what is one thing right now that will make you feel even a little bit better
For me it’s:
Calling a friend
Talking to someone (cashier, barista - any interaction that helps get me out of my head)
Going for a walk and listening to a podcast (pro tip: go for a comedy/talk show one, now is not the time you need to listen to self-improvement “gurus” preaching at you)
Petting my dog
Watching an episode of a sitcom I’ve watched 1 million times because it’s comforting
Looking up old vine compilations on Youtube
Watching bloopers from my favourite TV shows
So yes, it sucks right now. but don’t mistake those hard feelings as a sign that you’re for some reason broken. When you start believing that narrative it’s easy to feel helpless. But here’s the truth - you are not broken. You don’t have to be fixed. You’re just adapting. You’re going to find things that make you happy. It doesn’t matter that you don’t know what they are. Things that make you happy are going to start to seep back into your life. It may be small things at first, maybe something makes you happy (or not even happy, just content) for two seconds in the whole day. And that’s the start. Once you find one thing, another will come. And then another.
Remember, you’ve gone through this before and you’ve been okay. You’re going to find those good moments and feelings again. It sucks right now, and I’m sorry you’re hurting. Do what you have to do to get through it now, and know that you are adapting.