Increasing your Instagram Feed with Mediocre Pop Captions 101
The instagram caption, probably one of the most futile problems facing our 21st century world. But fret not thirsty instagram climbers, I will share all my knowledge (based off a whopping 1:2 follower to following rate: yes, you read that right) of crating that perfect caption for your instagram picture needs! We’re sticking to the basics here because Rome wasn’t built in a day, and your feed can’t be either. These classic, basic starter photos will get you on my 20 percent follower to like ratio level; buckle up people.
Today I’m using the most relevant pop culture songs to pair with your captions, because appealing to the masses seem to be the only way to get attention these days am I right? (#views) Originality will clearly get you nowhere, duh. So let’s do this with some mainstream pop captioning to go along with everyday occurances. All of these will (theoretically) enhance your self esteem that the media has already brought down, way to fight the #man!
Photo Option #1 - For that perfect selfie
This one is the real money maker. You are obviously too glamorous to appeal to your normal followers, so make your celeb personality seem less daunting by creating a play by play of your thoughts of putting your prime asset (your face, duh) on social media.
“I don't know if I should go with XX Pro or Valencia
I wanna look tan
What should my caption be?
I want it to be clever”
The real trick here is we all know that no one uses instagram filters, but thanks Chainsmokers for separating the savvy from the weak.
Photo Option #2 - “Stars, they’re just like us!”
This winner will add to your relatability by showing that you too chill with no makeup on and sweats. The key here is to perfectly construct your face and outfit to make you relatable but unattainable. ~Mystery~ Your best option is to post a photo like the one below, minimum two hours prep. Our 6ix man Drake is the perfect man to trick your followers into thinking that you look like this all the time! (Who wants to show their real face right?)
Photo Option #3 - For all your First World Problems
You know when your pet snake just won’t eat the brioche buns your chef baked for it? Ugh, same. Don’t worry though, Nicki Minaj has got you covered.